Make Your Own Comic Book

Designed by comic creators for comic creators! No matter your ability or experience this book is suitable for young and old. With over 100 pages packed full of unique comic style templates to create a comic book of your very own!

Comic templates

Each template is printed light grey, not black like other blank comic books. This allows you to sketch out your story without the imposing black lines of the template showing through your design. It also allows you to go beyond the frame with your cartoons or have speech bubbles overlap the template. Once you’ve sketched out the storyline it’s time to ‘ink in’ using a darker pencil or pen – firming up your lines and template so the original starting template is barely visible – then add color to bring your comic to life! Each template style is 4 pages long to create full length stories!

Cartoon Creator Toolkit

Cut out the cartoon creator toolkit with loads of comic elements, fonts and speech bubbles to trace into your comic story.

Creates a real book! Each page is numbered so you can fill in your contents page at the beginning of the book, so when you’ve completed your comics each story will have its own chapter you can quick reference from the contents page!

A great book with hours of comic creating fun!

Key features

  • Large size 8.5 x 11: pages
  • 114 Pages with 100 pages of 100% unique templates
  • Lightly printed templates
  • Cartoon Creator Toolkit

Sample pages from this book:

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Herbert Publishing
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