The Cornwall Trigs & Tors ChallengeTrig points, or trigonometrical stations to give them their proper name, are a common sight and much-loved feature of Britain’s hills. Constructed between 1936-1962 as part of the Ordnance Survey’s retriangulation of Great...
52 Week Meal Planner, grocery lists and blank recipe book This is your meal planning organiser with 52 weeks of the year to fulfil! Trying to think of meals whilst juggling busy daily life can be a headache, but with a bit of advanced planning this will be simple! The...
Health & Safety Accident & Incident Log Book For Business Premises A handy size (6″x9″) accident log book for business premises to record accidents, falls or injuries to employees or visitors. Trips and falls can potentially be libellous, and good...
The Complete Scotland Grahams Peak Baggers LogbookThe Grahams are mountains in Scotland between 2000 and 2499 feet with a prominence of at least 500m. Overlooking spectacular lochs, breath-taking coastlines and beautiful islands – these mountains are scattered all...
Football Coach Managers Logbook A pocket sized (6″ x 9″) logbook for football manager and coach. The book is designed as your ‘go to’ reference point, for all football related matters regarding your team. The first few pages are to enter your...