Scissor Skills: Animals Cut & Color

A Workbook for toddlers and kids to develop their skills whilst engaging in a fun activity with over 50 full-page cartoon animals to color in and cut out of the book.

Cutting exercises allow a child to build up the little muscles in their hands with the opening and closing motion. These muscles are so important for writing, painting, and doing everyday things like brushing teeth, eating with utensils, and getting dressed.

There are many benefits to cutting with scissors, including:

  • Independent movements of each finger
  • Strengthens hand muscles
  • Bilateral coordination skills (two-handed coordination)
  • Visual motor skills (eye-hand coordination)
  • Visual perceptual tasks (directionality)
  • Fine motor skills (separation of hand, finger dexterity)
  • Promotes grasp pattern
  • Focus and attention

Sample pages from this book:

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