Minor Genius Times Tables!

An exercise book for children to master their times tables. Do an exercise a day or one in the morning and one in the evening.

The book consists of 100 pages with an exercise on each page (50 sums in each exercise) this book is fantastic to teach children their multiplications. The first 60 pages is made up of exercises that teach each number, so the first five pages are 1x tables, the next five pages are 2x tables and so on up to 12x tables. This way, children can concentrate on each number at a time before moving onto the harder exercises at the back of the book.

The last 40 pages have exercises with mixed sums made up of the entire times tables – testing their knowledge and what they have learned so far.

Its good to time each exercise, this way your child will develop instant recall of the math they have learned, and its also fun for them if they beat their previous time. A reward is always a nice way to celebrate their achievement!!!

Key Features

  • Large size 8.5″ x 11″ book
  • 106 pages with 100 exercises and answers
  • Encourages structured learning by concentrating a number at a time
  • 50 sums per page – so 5000 sums in total!

Sample pages from this book:

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